
IMG Secrets

Remember: There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ answers to these questions – only the answers you are looking for as an individual. You will get a lot of what you need to know not only from WHAT people say but HOW they say it. Good luck!


  • Tell me about a recent graduate you are proud of and why?
  • Where do your graduates generally end up practicing?
  • What kind of residents are you looking for?
  • I’m interested in XYZ. What kind of opportunities are there to get exposure to that here? Who on your faculty is involved in that type of care?
  • What resources do you provide residents for preparing for board exams?
  • What are some procedures past residents have gone out of their way to get more experience with? (Ex. central lines, deliveries, circumcisions, IUD placement, I&D, suturing, colonoscopy, C-sections, NGT insertion…)
  • What is something you are passionate about as a program director and how have you incorporated that in the changes you’ve made here?
  • Are there opportunities to get involved in activities other than clinical care? (Generally referring to community service, teaching, etc)
  • Do you spend time with your residents socially?
  • What can i expect from here on? (typically we recommend ending with this)
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